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Celebrating diversity. Celebrating achievement.

The School Board

All state and state-integrated schools in New Zealand (like Ilam School) have a school board, which has overall responsibility and accountability for the school/kura. The school board’s legal responsibilities are determined by the Education and Training Act 2020.

School boards have a stewardship role that involves planning for, and acting in, the interests of the school and its community. Student learning, wellbeing, achievement and progress are the board’s main concern.

The board is guardian of the school’s values. It is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the school and overseeing the management of personnel, property, finance and administration. 

It’s important to note that the board is NOT responsible for the day-to-day running of the school — that’s the job of the principal. 

Who is on the Board?

Parents are elected as Board Members by the parent community.

A staff member is elected onto the Board by the school staff.

The principal is automatically a member of the Board.

In certain situations, additional members can be asked to join the board (co-opted) for a set period.

School board elections are held every three years.

Our Current Board Members

To contact the Board Presiding Member (the Chairperson)

What skills do Board Members need?

Board members (they used to be called ‘trustees’ or ‘the BoT’) are active leaders in the kura/school.

People often think board members need to have a legal or business background, but that’s not the case at all. The most valuable skills parents or whanau can bring to the board table are:

  • Working well as part of a team
  • Not afraid to ask challenging questions
  • Having good communication skills
  • Being connected to their community

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